Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Caraboo & George

Located in Wells, Maine, Caraboo & George Antiques is now carrying Woof Bark earrings!  In addition, owner Eben Tracy makes and sells unique household decorative items such as these spheres of branches around an Edison style light bulb, and of course, antiques! 

Wells is a great place to go “antiquing” with dozens of antique shops.  But Caraboo & George Antiques carries a range of new and old, original to traditional, and that makes this shop stand out from the many competitors.  It also has a very cozy and comfortable feel.  I think this is due to the fact that it is set up like a home as opposed to a store.

Please check them out at 1734 Post Road, Wells, Maine.  They are open year round, 7 days a week from 10 am to 5 pm